“Relentlessly organize your life around what lets you savor every moment.”

— Dr. David Nowell

Dr. Nowell’s work delivers both knowledge and inspiration to the training participant serving individuals with ADHD.

Which Seminar or Workshop is Right for You?

Practical Strategies for Managing ADD/ADHD and Executive Dysfunction

Who will benefit from this workshop?
• Psychologists
• Social Workers
• Licensed Mental Health Counselors
• Occupational Therapists
• Speech and Language Pathologists
• Teachers and education paraprofessionals
• Employers

Workshop Description
Lend Me Your Brain dynamically presents a comprehensible approach for supporting children and adults with ADD/ADHD. The workshop includes an overview of the brain science supporting non-pharmacological treatment interventions targeting focus, distractibility, and behavioral management. While some readily available cookbook type “recipes” may be helpful, there is no one-size-fits-all solution; each person and situation is unique. Lend Me Your Brain provides a basic formula that can be adapted to any individual and situation. Using this approach, changes can be made as the individual grows and progresses in managing his/her focus and

Practical Strategies for Maximizing Clients’ Resilience and Strength

Who will benefit from this workshop?
• Psychologists
• Social Workers
• Licensed Mental Health Counselors
• Nurses
• Paraprofessionals with some familiarity with the basic language of counseling and mental health
Workshop Description:
This high-energy interactive workshop provides an overview of what we have learned from over a decade of positive psychology research as it applies to mental illness and substance abuse, trauma-related disorders, and challenging classroom behaviors. We will explore a variety of specific clinical applications which can easily be applied to the work you are already doing. As we challenge ourselves to see not just pathology but strengths and coping history, we may even identify our own personal areas of potential improvement

The Excellent Clinical Interview

Who will benefit from this workshop?
• Therapists in training
• New graduates
• Early-career clinicians
Seasoned clinicians 

Workshop Description
This workshop provides practical tools for moving efficiently and confidently through a complete interview and mental status examination while establishing and maintaining rapport with your clients. This workshop empowers clinicians to make the best possible use of the interview process, from scheduling the client to timely completion of documentation and billing. Dr. Nowell’s expertise comes not only from his extensive clinical experience and as IME provider and disability examiner, but also as a peer medical record reviewer.

Manage the Risk

Who will benefit from this workshop?
• Psychologists
• Social Workers
• Licensed Mental Health Counselors
• Nurses
Anyone who works with high risk populations (including intake workers) 

Workshop Description:
This workshop presents a risk assessment protocol which emphasizes demographic and clinical risk factors for self-harm, sensitive interview strategies for accurately assessing current clinical risk, and best practices around documenting the distinct features of these clinical contacts. It also addresses the importance of clinician self-care and support after the loss of a client by suicide.

Adult ADHD Weekend Retreat

Workshop Description:
The Adult ADHD Weekend Retreat speaks to issues particular to adults who are impacted in any way by ADD/ADHD. 

This retreat is for you if:
• You have ADD/ADHD;
• Your spouse or someone you love has features of inattention and distractibility;
You have a child who has been diagnosed with one of these conditions.

Central to the retreat’s focus is discovering what works for you, of finding the key that unlocks the mystery of your personal, individualized motivation. That key will empower you to develop strategies to successfully meet the challenges you encounter every day. As we look at strategies, you will customize your personal toolbox, moving from theory to practical applications that will empower you live the life that, for you today, might be just a dream. Join us for this dynamic, interactive retreat that includes facilitated discussions, small group work, guided reflection, and, very importantly, lots of room for laughter. Come alone, with a family member, or with a friend. You will be among those who really understand the up-side and the down-side of living with the unique challenges of ADD/ADHD.

We will look at ADD/ADHD as it impacts your:
• Relationships
• Money management
• Identity with others
• Time stewardship/management
• Ability to complete projects (“dropping balls”)
• Scatteredness
• Boredom
• Irritability
• Feeling like you are living in a world of chaos