“Identify what is most important in your life, then organize your engeries and commitments around those goals.”

— Dr. David Nowell

Nowell Neuropsychological Services was rated the #1 for psychological services in Worcester in 2015!


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Attention. Memory. Executive Function.

A capacity evaluation assess an individual’s ability to make use practical use of attention, memory, and executive functioning. Until fairly recently, a capacity evaluation was known as a competency evaluation.

What is executive function?
Executive function describes a set of cognitive abilities that control and regulate other abilities and behaviors and are necessary for goal-directed behavior.

If, for some reason, our memory or executive functions are diminished or lost, it can be said that our capacity to function normally is compromised; we can become a danger to ourselves or others. There are a number of common acquired (e.g. traumatic brain injury or stroke) and progressive (e.g. dementia) conditions which may impact an individual’s capacity to meaningfully participate in personal or business financial matters, complex independent living tasks, and medical decision-making.

What constitutes a capacity evaluation?
While medical tests such as brain imaging are useful for identifying lesions and other brain changes, there is often a need for an evidence-based assessment of practical cognitive skills. Dr. Nowell’s two-part capacity evaluation specifically assesses crucial attention, memory, and executive skills by using neuropsychological testing as well as an interview-based assessment of the patient’s values and preferences. He evaluates the individual’s decision-making capacity and the presence of preserved (intact) and/or impaired functioning. In his report, he includes his findings and makes recommendations which family courts may find useful as they make decisions about guardianship, conservatorship, and other formal legal arrangements to support individuals with these limitations.

For more information or to schedule a capacity evaluation, call 508-579-7958.


The IME is typically requested by an insurance company or employer as a second opinion regarding an individual’s fitness for duty, ability to return to work, or to determine functional limitations after an injury or illness. It is ordered by a physician or psychologist who has not previously been involved with the client’s treatment.

The neuropsychological IME may include assessment of:
Problem solving
Academic skills
Motor skills
Motivation and cooperation

Are you unsure if an IME or psycholgical or neuropsychologial testing is appropriate?
Dr. Nowell can review your client’s record. He will provide you with the feedback and information that will help you determine the correct course of action for your client.

For questions regarding referrals or chart reviews:
email us at david@drnowell.com or call (508) 471-9254.

Cognitive and Behavioral Function.

A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioral functions using standardized tests and procedures. It may assist in treatment planning for any case involving brain-based impairment. Typical referrals include questions about brain injury, stroke, ADHD and learning disorders, and memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease

Mental functions tested include:
Problem solving
Academic skills
Motor skills

For questions regarding referrals or insurance coverage,
contact us at david@drnowell.com or call (508) 471-9254.

Psychological Testing

Psychological testing allows a client to view his or her abilities or experiences in light of a “normative sample.” For example, how is my memory functioning compared to other people my age? Or how significant are my experiences of depression or anxiety?

Psychological testing may include assessment of:
Personality traits and styles
General intelligence
Academic strengths and weaknesses

Examples of clinical issues addressed in the psychological evaluation include personality disorder, learning disorder, and mood or anxiety disorder.

For questions regarding referrals or insurance coverage,
contact us at david@drnowell.com or call (508) 471-9254.